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Access Log

We use tslog for logging, although it has reasonable default settings, but you can still use project config (default is vulcan.yaml) to change some settings to suit your own needs.

like so:

enabled: true
level: info
displayRequestId: true
displayFunctionName: true
displayFilePath: hideNodeModulesOnly

Then the access-log output will be as follows:

2022-09-26 08:04:08.307  INFO  [ACCESS_LOG packages/serve/src/lib/middleware/accessLogMiddleware.ts:23 AccessLogMiddleware.<anonymous>] --> ::1 -- "GET /api/artist/1" -- size: none
2022-09-26 08:04:08.308 INFO [ACCESS_LOG packages/serve/src/lib/middleware/accessLogMiddleware.ts:26 AccessLogMiddleware.<anonymous>] -> header: {"xxxxxxxxxxxx"}
2022-09-26 08:04:08.308 INFO [ACCESS_LOG packages/serve/src/lib/middleware/accessLogMiddleware.ts:27 AccessLogMiddleware.<anonymous>] -> query: {}
2022-09-26 08:04:08.310 INFO [ACCESS_LOG packages/serve/src/lib/middleware/accessLogMiddleware.ts:28 AccessLogMiddleware.<anonymous>] -> params: undefined



  • default: true
  • type: boolean
  • Whether to enable the access-log service, you can set it to false to stop access-log service.


We support the level, displayRequestId, displayFunctionName and displayFilePath options in tslog.


  • default: debug
  • type: string - must be either silly, trace, debug, info, warn, error or fatal.
  • For more detailed settings and instructions, you can refer to here.


  • default: false
  • type: boolean
  • For more detailed settings and instructions, you can refer to here.


  • default: false
  • type: boolean
  • For more detailed settings and instructions, you can refer to here.


  • default: hidden
  • type: string - must be either hidden, displayAll or hideNodeModulesOnly.
  • For more detailed settings and instructions, you can refer to here.